Welcome Stories Readers...
Get refresh with one of my stories or my blogging journey and tips..... Give me some words, and of course I'll:
- Drop back whoever drops mine
- Fave back whoever faves mine
- Comments back whoever comments mine
- Drop back whoever drops mine
- Fave back whoever faves mine
- Comments back whoever comments mine
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Reason Y people need FREN..... -Tag
Here's a great poem explaining well why people need friends.

Thanks to Vidst for tagging me with this meaningful meme. :)

"We need friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,and to have fun with
us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice.
We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember usone we have passed sharing memories
that will always last."
Spread the poem of friendship.
1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. Pinay Mom Blogs 5. REALITIES 6. Glossa~licious 7. A Great Pleasure 8.Freedom 9.Seenread 10. YOU
I would like to dedicate this poem to all my wonderful friends in the net. Thank you for being my friend, peeps! Love ya!! :)

I got this Butterfly Award from Jemade, Thanks for this award:)
Here is the rule: Once accepting this award, Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Nominate 10 other blogs. Add links to those blogs on yours. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
This is the top 10 coolest blog I've ever visited:)
1. Alf
2. Chubz
3. Edelweiza
4. Einhard
6. Meia
7. Mharms
8. Pchi
9. Rieru
10. Renmai
Enjoy guys!:)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tag from Marly
What Makes Me Happy, What Makes Me Sad
We have a lot of things to be thankful and be happy for-our life, health, family, friends, and the opportunities that come to us. And in spite of the struggles I am facing now, I still find the strength to hang on. God has given me wonderful people around me. One of them is you. And that what makes me happy too.
I appreciate Maybel of No Place Like Home for tagging me, this is a great topic!
Here are the Rules: 1. List things that makes you happy and what makes you sad.. 2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. 3. Tag other online friends you know: Toni's Attachments, Charmdestiny, DressMeUp, Glorie Solitude, Restlessrant, Fit4All, No Place Like Home, Kuting’s Place, YOUR BLOG
-Holidays.-My family gathering.
-My girlfriend. I love you Honey!
-My Great Friends
-When I reached the top
-When I think about bad experiences and trials in the past-When I want to help but there’s nothing I can do
-When somebody in the family is not feeling well
-When there are times I am feeling down{End Copy}
I am expressing my true feelings here so now I'm tagging along Everyone
The Longest Breakfast Menu Lis
Thanks Chubzz for this yummy tag. Join the fun!
*Begin copy from here*
The Longest Breakfast Menu List
Everyone likes to start their day with a comfort food for breakfast. What kind of food do you take? This would be a good way to find out your blogger friend’s favourite food for breakfast.
*Begin copy from here*
The Longest Breakfast Menu List
Everyone likes to start their day with a comfort food for breakfast. What kind of food do you take? This would be a good way to find out your blogger friend’s favourite food for breakfast.
All you need to do is to put your name down, the country you are in and your favourite breakfast meal. Let’s see how we can have this breakfast ‘menu’ travelled all around cyberspace and learn what each blogger living in different country and what do they eat for breakfast. This meme was created by a little lady with a penchant to spy around little baskets while marketing. Her favourite breakfast of the day is none other than Roti Prata, an indian flat bread. What about you? What is your favourite breakfast meal of the day?
1. Spymama, Singapore - Roti Prata 2. CaramelCorn, Singapore - Half Boiled Eggs and Toast 3. Name, Country, Favourite Breakfast 4. Proud Mommy, Philippines - Fried Rice, Ham and Scrambled Egg 5. It's My Party, Dubai - sunny side-up egg, frankfurters and glass of orange juice 6. Chubz, Philippines - Pan de Sal with bacon or ham and a glass of juice, 7. Lord Story Indonesia - wanthan with a glass of juice 8.your entry here
*End copy here*
Passing this to: Everyone Including YOU!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Alexa Ranking: new system

Actually it's been last April the new system established. And seems that some people are complaining the new ranking system only tracks till the 10 month recent traffic ranks.
The only thing I am wondering about is that alexa toolbar, I've read about the new system and I got the conclusion like this:
If a person is browsing sites or surfing without the alexa toolbar installed on our explorer, then the Alexa won't count that person into the traffic calculation.
Or if we don't install the alexa toolbar then the ranking system won't track our sites.
Maybe someone who master these can give me a conclusion
Thursday, August 14, 2008
#13 World unluckiest man who's also luckiest
He escaped from a derailed train, a door-less plane, a bus crash, a car into flames, another 2 car accidents... then won a million dollar lottery
Here's the story of how the world's unluckiest man turned his fate upside down. Frane Selak, born in 1929, is a Croatian music teacher who used to be famous for his numerous escapes from fatal accidents:- In January, 1962, Selak was traveling via train from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik. However, the train had suddenly derailed and plunged into an icy river, killing 17 passengers. Selak managed to escape, and only suffered a broken arm and minor scrapes and bruises.
- The following year, while traveling from Zagreb to Rijeka when the door blew away from the cockpit, forcing him out of the plane. Although 19 others were killed, he suffered only minor injuries and had miraculously landed in a haystack.
- In 1966, he was riding on a bus that crashed and plunged into a river. Four others were killed, but Selak managed to escape unharmed.
- In 1970, he managed to escape before a faulty fuel pump engulfed his car into flames.
- In 1973, another of Selak's cars caught fire, forcing fire through the air vents. He suffered no injuries save the loss of most of his hair.
- In 1995, he was hit by a city bus, but once again suffered minor injuries.
- In 1996 he escaped when he drove off a cliff to escape an oncoming truck. He managed to land in a tree, and watched as his car exploded 300 feet below him.
"I know God was watching me over all these years." he said, and has reputedly refused to fly to Australia to air on a Doritos commercial, saying he "didn't want to test his luck." Frane also said that he can either be looked as "the world's unluckiest man, or the world's luckiest man," and prefers the latter.
I can't imagine how he face these facts...
From: oddee.com
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kick*ss Blogger Award

Do you know any bloggers that kick ass?
Maybe they’ve got incredible, original content. Or they’re overflowing with creativity.
Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a bloggy friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it’s someone who simply inspires you to be a better person… or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your ass off.
Whatever the reason may be, I’m sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass. Well… why not tell ‘em so?
* Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
* Let ‘em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they’ve received an award
* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to Mammadawg.com
* Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!
Passing this award to special to Iceah, marviepons, pchi, fil-am journey and Yenzz.
Monday, August 11, 2008
#12 Battle of Wolves

An old Indian man was telling his grandchild a story about life...
'A deathly fights keep raging within myself,' he said to the boy. 'A deathly battle between two packs of wolves.'
'One of the packs have a leader called baddy-his followers are anger, sadness, regret, selfish, fear, lazy, greedy, arrogant, guilty, jealous and lots more.'
'The other one have a leader called gooddy-his followers are peace,self-esteem, happiness, love, hope, grateful, faith, belief, greatness, and others.'
'The similar battle also happens in you ,boy ,also in everyone.'
The boy thought for a while, then ask his grandpa,
'Which one win the fight, grandpa?'
The old Indian answers,' The one you feeds.'
Awards from bloggers Tag
Arte Y Pico Award
pchi gave me the award, thank you so much...

1) Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of http://arteypico.blogspot.com/ so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Now, I would like to share this award to my friends Stefen, Chubzz, Carol, Simply Kate, Fil-Am Journey
Brillante Weblog Premio-2008

Here are the rules for passing on the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Already Participants :
Carol, Cee, Melisse, Nanay Belen, Ivan Girl, Vida, Yenzz, Mommy Allehs, Sue, Liza, Madz, lord story,YOU NEXT
Now passing this award to Sese, Chubz, MarlyMS, Eunice, Liza, Vicy, Sue, KateLove's, Joy Ball, Anig, Mariuca, Madz, Ericka, and A Fil-Am Journey.
Please leave a comment HERE when you have pass this Award and I will add you to participants
Tell me if any participants I forgot to add.
pchi gave me the award, thank you so much...

The rules for passing this honor on:
1) Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of http://arteypico.blogspot.com/ so everyone will know the origin of this award.
Now, I would like to share this award to my friends Stefen, Chubzz, Carol, Simply Kate, Fil-Am Journey
Brillante Weblog Premio-2008
Thanks to Yenzz for the award.

The Above recipients of the Brillante Weblog are welcomed to put the Logo on their personal blogs and have the honor of passing this award to seven other bloggers.
Here are the rules for passing on the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Already Participants :
Carol, Cee, Melisse, Nanay Belen, Ivan Girl, Vida, Yenzz, Mommy Allehs, Sue, Liza, Madz, lord story,YOU NEXT
Now passing this award to Sese, Chubz, MarlyMS, Eunice, Liza, Vicy, Sue, KateLove's, Joy Ball, Anig, Mariuca, Madz, Ericka, and A Fil-Am Journey.
Please leave a comment HERE when you have pass this Award and I will add you to participants
Tell me if any participants I forgot to add.
Friday, August 1, 2008
#11 14 years old millionaire
This is a shocking truth you know, got to learn from 14 years old boy about how to make money...

Farrah Gray is his name.
By the time he turned 14, he was a self-made millionaire.
He began his incredible journey at the age of SIX ( big WOW for him), selling handmade body lotion and hand-painted bookends to those in his neighborhood.
When he was eight, he co-founded the Urban Neighborhood Enterprise Economic Club-a small club with neighborhood kids, in Chicago.
You can read more about him on http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/165404/millionaire_at_14_the_amazing_success.html
Currently he is already 20s...
But hey guys, can we still use this phrase : 'I'm still too young to success'
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Check Out how much your blog worth?
Inspired by Tristan Louis's research into the value of each link to Weblogs Inc, Business Opportunities.biz has created this little applet using Technorati's API which computes and displays your blog's worth using the same link to dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs Inc deal.
Thanks to www.business-opportunities.biz for creating this fancy widget, I just thought that you can gain more spirit for blogging when there's an amount of money lol, I hope that they can upgrade it so it's not just based on technorati.
You can also check how much your blog worth or add the widget to your site at here:
Thanks to www.business-opportunities.biz for creating this fancy widget, I just thought that you can gain more spirit for blogging when there's an amount of money lol, I hope that they can upgrade it so it's not just based on technorati.
My blog is worth $70,567.50.
How much is your blog worth?
You can also check how much your blog worth or add the widget to your site at here:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
#10 To who's forgotten the love of parents?

An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45
years old highly educated son. Suddenly a mocking bird perched on their window.
The Father asked his Son, "What is that?" The Son replied "It is a mockingbird". After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, "What is that?"
The Son said "Father, I have just now told you "It's a bird". After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time,
What is that?" At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the Son's tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff. "It's a bird, a mockingbird". A little after, the Father again asked his Son the 4th time, "What is this?"
This time the Son shouted at his Father, "Why do you keep asking me the
same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A BIRD'. Are you not able to understand this?"
A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page.
When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary :-
Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a mockingbird was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Mockingbird. Then I hugged him lovingly ...
years old highly educated son. Suddenly a mocking bird perched on their window.
The Father asked his Son, "What is that?" The Son replied "It is a mockingbird". After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, "What is that?"
The Son said "Father, I have just now told you "It's a bird". After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time,
What is that?" At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the Son's tone when he said to his Father with a rebuff. "It's a bird, a mockingbird". A little after, the Father again asked his Son the 4th time, "What is this?"
This time the Son shouted at his Father, "Why do you keep asking me the
same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A BIRD'. Are you not able to understand this?"
A little later the Father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his Son was born. On opening a page, he asked his Son to read that page.
When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary :-
Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a mockingbird was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a Mockingbird. Then I hugged him lovingly ...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Juseleeno Prediction - July 18, 2008
This post is grabbed from: Chubz
Also added by some comments from me (ALL MY COMMENTS WILL BE IN ITALIC ONES)
Uncanny Prophesy: What will happen to the world and to the Philippines at 2008
Mr. Juseleeno Profile:
Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose is Brazilian, born in 1960, 47 years old now, his occupation is a teacher, he is a normal citizen, having a very poor life with his wife and kids. All the events which Mr. Juselleno predicted had clear indication of the year, month date of the disasters, incase any third party wants to confirm the facticity of his prophesy, Mr. Juselleno always put the story which he predicted to the notarization office or post office for the approval.
Somebody asked him, how old did he start the prophesy dream, he answered: 9 years old, from 1969, he dreamed 3 events a day, sometimes 9 events, the times he dreamed is different every day. He said all the prophesy dreams were automatically in his dream. When Mr. Juseleeno was 19 years old, he met the famous Brazilian prophesy Saint Mr. Franciscoshabiz, after that the worldwide disaster events were increased in his prophesy dream. Mr. Franciscoshabiz was two times the candidate for the Nobel Prize, he is a very famous differential functional person, at the same time he is also the Charitarian. The events which Mr. Juseleeno predicted are already more than 80000, firstly let’s look at below a few big worldwide events and huge disaster from his prophesy.
So the first big prophecy came true:
Princess Diana was assassinated;
Mr. Juseleeno sent a warning letter to Diana via post office on 4th March,1997. I got the message from the God that someone is planning to kill you in the car accident, your life will be dangerous, 7 angels told me about this. You may die in this car accident and the specialist may close this case as a driving mistake, but they are totally wrong. The murder is close to you. And it will happen before 2000.
Juseleeno also send this warning letter to the time, Darlytelegraph and Guardian etc. new agents in England , but never published. The car accident was happened on 31st August,1997, 5 month after the warning letter was sent out. Just as the prophesy said that the case was closed as driving mistake. The accuracy of this prophesy is not only to predict the huge event but also the truth of the intrigue behind the event. There are a lot of rumors after the accident, Diana was killed by the England royal family centered by queen Elizabeth.
The prophesy said it will happen before 2000, though there isnt exact date on, but this prophesy was sent to the president (FernandoHenriqueSilvaCardoso) of Brazil 2 years before the accident and mentioned about from 1997 to 98 that Diana will die etc.
Second Prophecy:
The second attack of World Trade Center , it is 911
Jeseleeno sent the warning letter to the president of USA in 1989, the warning letter had also published at a notarization office which run by Mr. Klicheeba in the town of Palana . This warning letter also predicted that the World Trade Center will get the first attack in 1993, though there was no exact date on but the second attack was clearly told 11th September,2001. Everyone knew the result, the first attack was happened on 26th Feb.1993 three and half year after the warning letter sent out, the parking place was blow up and many people injured, the second attack was happened on 11th Sept.2001, 13 years after the warning letter sent out, it is the 911.
(Does anyone still remembered that?what took them so long to attack??)
The exclamatory thing is, this prophesy also told about Afghanistan and Iraq war will start after 911, after Iraq lost, the president Haisan will run to Adawr the middle of Iraq etc. are all in the letter, like you all know, the events in the prediction letter were happened one by one.
Sumatra Indonesia earthquake(OW shit, if only I earlier noticed this b'cause my town is next to ACEH-the tsunami place)
Juseleeno sent the warning letter about Indonesia Sumatra Earthquake to the India Embassy on 16th September, 1996, about 8 years before the disaster. This warning letter predicted that there will be 8.9 earthquake in Aceh Indonesia in the morning of 26th December,2004. India and Indonesia will be attacked by the tsunami. He sent the warning letter to the president of Indonesia on 30th April, 1997, the letter is about. I dreamed that 7:00am 26th Dec, 2004, South Asia will be attacked by 8.9 earthquake, at the same time will get the tsunami, the area will be Aceh Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maladiv, Bombay. And many people will be dead.
(Mr.Juseleeno, you've sent that letter too early ,8 years earlier??)
The result is- the earthquake was happened at 07:58am 26th Dec. More than 200000 people dead, the biggest tsunami was about 30 meters, a lot people were dead by the tsunami. He also sent the same letter to Indonesia , Philippine, Thailand and other Embassies. He also got the thanks letter from these countries.
The thanks letter from Meigawadi (Sorry it's written wrong here, it's supposed to be Megawati-our recent president) said about the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, to prevent the disaster, we must do a lot of things, but in another hand, we can do nothing. The thanks letter from Indonesia Embassy said..we will send this letter to our government, if you have any update information, please let us know.
From above information, Juseleeno already predicted that there will be more than 200000 people die in the tsunami and earthquake 8 years before the disaster, he sent the warning letter with detail date on to these countries, but nobody did any preventive measures.
The writer pick up a few events which Juseleeno predicted for the future.
Tornado attacked Brazil , thousands people dead.
(Ou God, maybe we should evacuate the whole country but well, nothing happens there)
2007 or July of 2008 Japan will get earthquake and get 30 meters tsunami.
(Let's see till the end of this July)
Japan will get earthquake and typhoon in October, He predicted that the huge typhoon will happen on 26th October in the warning Letter
USA will get the terror attack on 17th December.
(Well, actually they did got terror all the time)
Will find the medicine for AIDS and Dengue
18th July, Philippine will get 8.1 earthquake, thousands people will die
The Empire State Building New York will get terror attack in September.
13th of September, China will get 9.1 earthquake in Nanning and Hainan, at the same time will get 30 meters Tsunami, millions people will die, the tsunami may go to Japan Directly.
(It's earlier happened here, and it's in Sichuan and it's on May)
Future Predictions:
(Readers, should we beware for these?I don't know what to do if these really happen)
25th January. 8.9 earthquake will attacked Japan , Hundred thousands people will die.
November, Japan will get earthquake again. Thousands people will die.
Brazilian government can not pay the insurance because of the finance problems. Will get the riot.
24th August, Istanbul Turkey will get 8.9 earthquake. The road will be parted.
16th December, Sumatra Indonesia will get 7.8 earthquake. Thousands people will die.
(Ohhh, Not Again?!!)
The temperature will reach 58 degrees in many countries of Africa , at the same time will lack of water.
15th June, the New York stock market will be
The temperature in Africa will reach 58 degrees, it is unbelievable number, but in May 2007, people who travel around Africa said the temperature in Greece and Turkey are already 39-40 degrees, Iraq and Arabia is about 45-46 degrees, it is possible to happen in the summer but not in may, we can imagine that in the summer of 2010, the world will become warmer and Africa will get the high temperature.
Will found the treatment for Cancer. But another new cancer will occur.
A serious disease will occur, it will be called ALS, People will die after 4 hours get ALS
Bird flu H5N1 will infect to human, 7300000 people will die till 2013.
Mr.Juseleeno’s prophesy is not only for the disease and earthquake but also for the exact name. For example the formal US president Gore famous book An Inconvenient Truth. The name of tornado which will attack Brazil, and thousands people will die, the name of infectious disease ( ALS), the name for San Francisco’s earthquake ( the Big One) and etc. events.
The area of glebe will be extended regarding the aridity and become desert, from 2015 till 2020, the trees will disappear in Amazon.
From 6th Dec. the sky will start the black cloud time, it is called weather cloudy.
Human start die because of the infectious diseases overspread.
Find the treatment for cancer except the brain cancer.
Bahamas of West Indies, from 1st Nov. till 25th the Volcano will break out and bring the earthquake too, after that will be 150 meters huge tsunami, about 80 meters tsunami will go to Caribbean, About 15 kilometer to 20 kilometer to USA , Brazil and other countries. The sea will go down 6 meters before the tsunami and the birds will move away too.
Mr.Juseleeno predicted that when the cats and dogs know the disaster is coming, they want to get away from the venue, they will have strange behaviors 24 hours before the disaster, so we can use that for the standard of judgement.
The small planet will be closer to the earth and may knock together, the exist of this small planet will influent the issue of human live.
In November, the average temperature will reach 59 degrees, many people will die, the world confusion will be bigger.
In the middle of April, huge typhoon will attach some cities of China , about one thousand people will die.
The US president Bush will be in the hospital suddenly, has serious sickness.
About the issue of small planet will be closer to the earth, the leaders of each country will gather together to discuss the countermeasure, Mr. Juseleeno already predicted in 2000, and informed the NASA of USA about the exist of the small planet. On 31st June,2002, NASA confirmed and called this small planet 2002ZNT7
May find out the science power solution, if the small planet knock together, 1/3 population of the world will die. Mr. Juseleeno predicted that the percentage for the small planet knock the earth will be 60% .
In June, the east sea of Japan will get the Tsunami, bigger then the Indonesia tsunami.
Astronomer will find new planet, it may knock the earth again, the possibility will be 80%.
In July, San Francisco will get huge earthquake, it is called the big one, San Andreas Fault will be destroyed, California will disappear, a lot of crater will start again, the tsunami will be more than 150 meters.
The world population reduced, about 80% people dead in the disaster.
Will 2008 Beijing Olympic Game be held smoothly?
As above said, in 2008, China will get 9.1 earthquake and more than millions people will die, according to Mr. Juseleeno’s prediction that the earth quake will be 13th September,2008, and Olympic will hold on 8th August-24th, In this schedule, the earthquake will happen after Olympic, but before the big earthquake, there will be a lot of small earthquake, it will make the country and people upset.
There will be a lot of small earthquake before the big one, although Juseleeno didnt predict the exact date, but if we presume the small earthquake will happen one or two month before and it may be the period of Olympic, if so it may make the host and athletes give up. When the writer read this prophesy from Juseleeno, he suddenly remember the space time traveler John Titoer’s last word, 2004 Athens Olympic Game will be last one
But, if the earthquake is in the south of China , Nanning and Hai Nan, and there are no Olympic games, the Beijing Olympic Game will close successfully. But the problem is that China government is only care about the reputation and successfully of the Olympic game, ignore the small earthquakes, and no preparation before the big one. China may control the report, closed all the news . If so there will be a big disaster as the prophesy said. In Mr. Juseleenos warning letter said if there is no preparation to protect the citizens, will get huge loss
Mr. Juseleeno also predicted that glacier period is coming.
He also has the right prophesy for the weather, one of them is, in 2003, Europe got high temperature, 29th October, 2001, the warning letter said the nature world will beat back to the world, the temperature of France, Germany and Portugal will become higher, more than ten thousand people will die, this disaster will happen between 2003 and 2004. the truth is, the temperature in the summer of 2003 had reached the highest one which they’ve never had in Europe, about 35.000 people dead, especially France and Germany , about 14,000 people dead in France and 7000 people dead in Germany .
From Mr.Juseleeno’s prophesy, the earth temperature will get higher every year, till 2012, the temperature in Africa will reach 58 degrees and the same time will have serious water problem, after the temperature will be even higher, till 2015, the average temperature of earth will reach 59 degrees, a lot of people will die, the human will get frighten all over the world. If this is the truth, the countries will against each other because of the aridity and not enough food, Mr. Jeseleeno also predicted that there will be some new wars because of the aridity, but he didnt have clear prophesy, but he felt it wont be the normal war.
Anyway, the temperature is getting higher is not like the aerography said ( the speed is very slow), actually very quick. However the warmness seems not always incessancy, after the high temperature, a big part of ice of Greenland and South Pole will be dissolved and go to the sea, the circulation of the sea will be lower and become colder, it means a new glacier time. In Juseleenos prophesy seems also said after 2027, there will be a new glacier. Details of the prophesy as below:
The volcano of America yellow park will break out, the smoke and magma will go 1,600 kilometer far, Kansas , Nebraska , Montana will all get damaged. The break out of the volcano is not only in Yellow park, but also some other place in the world. these smoke will blot out the sun, the circulation of see will stagnate and active the cold phenomena.
Eir and kol got Nobel award
As we all know, the formal president Gore dedicate on study of earth temperature, his famous book An Inconvenient Truth was made to a movie and also get the Oscar award. Actually 19 years ago, Mr. Juseleeno already predicted about this, the phophesy had been published on Moon Magazine in June, in the end of may, before the publish, the editor told the writer about this, I really got surprised for a while..
According the letter which Juseleeno sent to Gore, this prophesy letter already inform Gore that from 1993 to 2001 he wont be the vice president anymore, he will dedicate on protect the world environment activities, and he will write a book An Inconvenient Truth to become famous, the English letter Juseleeno wrote to Gore also told the books name and he will get the 2007 Nobel award, we will know this autumn, Lets looking forward for the prophesy for Mr. Gorel. We cant deny Mr. Juseleenos prophesy.
There are not much time for Human, from December 2007, the Black Cloud will extend all over the world, as Mr. Juseleeno predicted that if the human still keep the actuality, human will have terrible life from 2008 till 2012 , the black cloud will full of the sky before the disaster. If we want the disaster, and war stay away from us, the deadline for human is the end of 2007. Mr. Juseleeno expected the world consciousness will change in the end of 2007.
The situation is very serious now, if we still want to depend on others power, Mr. Juseleeno’s prophesy the black future will happen. We must understand the serious situation, individual to individual, group to group, country to county, hold you own responsibility, take action, because the deadline will come soon.
Inability and tiny ability is totally different, inability is no matter whatever we do, it wont help. But tiny ability mean more people contribute and the power will become strong. We have do start from ourselves, one people’s power is small but if we put everyones power together, It will be strong to change the future disaster.
Also added by some comments from me (ALL MY COMMENTS WILL BE IN ITALIC ONES)
Uncanny Prophesy: What will happen to the world and to the Philippines at 2008
Mr. Juseleeno Profile:
Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose is Brazilian, born in 1960, 47 years old now, his occupation is a teacher, he is a normal citizen, having a very poor life with his wife and kids. All the events which Mr. Juselleno predicted had clear indication of the year, month date of the disasters, incase any third party wants to confirm the facticity of his prophesy, Mr. Juselleno always put the story which he predicted to the notarization office or post office for the approval.
Somebody asked him, how old did he start the prophesy dream, he answered: 9 years old, from 1969, he dreamed 3 events a day, sometimes 9 events, the times he dreamed is different every day. He said all the prophesy dreams were automatically in his dream. When Mr. Juseleeno was 19 years old, he met the famous Brazilian prophesy Saint Mr. Franciscoshabiz, after that the worldwide disaster events were increased in his prophesy dream. Mr. Franciscoshabiz was two times the candidate for the Nobel Prize, he is a very famous differential functional person, at the same time he is also the Charitarian. The events which Mr. Juseleeno predicted are already more than 80000, firstly let’s look at below a few big worldwide events and huge disaster from his prophesy.
So the first big prophecy came true:
Princess Diana was assassinated;
Mr. Juseleeno sent a warning letter to Diana via post office on 4th March,1997. I got the message from the God that someone is planning to kill you in the car accident, your life will be dangerous, 7 angels told me about this. You may die in this car accident and the specialist may close this case as a driving mistake, but they are totally wrong. The murder is close to you. And it will happen before 2000.
Juseleeno also send this warning letter to the time, Darlytelegraph and Guardian etc. new agents in England , but never published. The car accident was happened on 31st August,1997, 5 month after the warning letter was sent out. Just as the prophesy said that the case was closed as driving mistake. The accuracy of this prophesy is not only to predict the huge event but also the truth of the intrigue behind the event. There are a lot of rumors after the accident, Diana was killed by the England royal family centered by queen Elizabeth.
The prophesy said it will happen before 2000, though there isnt exact date on, but this prophesy was sent to the president (FernandoHenriqueSilvaCardoso) of Brazil 2 years before the accident and mentioned about from 1997 to 98 that Diana will die etc.
Second Prophecy:
The second attack of World Trade Center , it is 911
Jeseleeno sent the warning letter to the president of USA in 1989, the warning letter had also published at a notarization office which run by Mr. Klicheeba in the town of Palana . This warning letter also predicted that the World Trade Center will get the first attack in 1993, though there was no exact date on but the second attack was clearly told 11th September,2001. Everyone knew the result, the first attack was happened on 26th Feb.1993 three and half year after the warning letter sent out, the parking place was blow up and many people injured, the second attack was happened on 11th Sept.2001, 13 years after the warning letter sent out, it is the 911.
(Does anyone still remembered that?what took them so long to attack??)
The exclamatory thing is, this prophesy also told about Afghanistan and Iraq war will start after 911, after Iraq lost, the president Haisan will run to Adawr the middle of Iraq etc. are all in the letter, like you all know, the events in the prediction letter were happened one by one.
Sumatra Indonesia earthquake(OW shit, if only I earlier noticed this b'cause my town is next to ACEH-the tsunami place)
Juseleeno sent the warning letter about Indonesia Sumatra Earthquake to the India Embassy on 16th September, 1996, about 8 years before the disaster. This warning letter predicted that there will be 8.9 earthquake in Aceh Indonesia in the morning of 26th December,2004. India and Indonesia will be attacked by the tsunami. He sent the warning letter to the president of Indonesia on 30th April, 1997, the letter is about. I dreamed that 7:00am 26th Dec, 2004, South Asia will be attacked by 8.9 earthquake, at the same time will get the tsunami, the area will be Aceh Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maladiv, Bombay. And many people will be dead.
(Mr.Juseleeno, you've sent that letter too early ,8 years earlier??)
The result is- the earthquake was happened at 07:58am 26th Dec. More than 200000 people dead, the biggest tsunami was about 30 meters, a lot people were dead by the tsunami. He also sent the same letter to Indonesia , Philippine, Thailand and other Embassies. He also got the thanks letter from these countries.
The thanks letter from Meigawadi (Sorry it's written wrong here, it's supposed to be Megawati-our recent president) said about the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, to prevent the disaster, we must do a lot of things, but in another hand, we can do nothing. The thanks letter from Indonesia Embassy said..we will send this letter to our government, if you have any update information, please let us know.
From above information, Juseleeno already predicted that there will be more than 200000 people die in the tsunami and earthquake 8 years before the disaster, he sent the warning letter with detail date on to these countries, but nobody did any preventive measures.
The writer pick up a few events which Juseleeno predicted for the future.
Tornado attacked Brazil , thousands people dead.
(Ou God, maybe we should evacuate the whole country but well, nothing happens there)
2007 or July of 2008 Japan will get earthquake and get 30 meters tsunami.
(Let's see till the end of this July)
Japan will get earthquake and typhoon in October, He predicted that the huge typhoon will happen on 26th October in the warning Letter
USA will get the terror attack on 17th December.
(Well, actually they did got terror all the time)
Will find the medicine for AIDS and Dengue
18th July, Philippine will get 8.1 earthquake, thousands people will die
The Empire State Building New York will get terror attack in September.
13th of September, China will get 9.1 earthquake in Nanning and Hainan, at the same time will get 30 meters Tsunami, millions people will die, the tsunami may go to Japan Directly.
(It's earlier happened here, and it's in Sichuan and it's on May)
Future Predictions:
(Readers, should we beware for these?I don't know what to do if these really happen)
25th January. 8.9 earthquake will attacked Japan , Hundred thousands people will die.
November, Japan will get earthquake again. Thousands people will die.
Brazilian government can not pay the insurance because of the finance problems. Will get the riot.
24th August, Istanbul Turkey will get 8.9 earthquake. The road will be parted.
16th December, Sumatra Indonesia will get 7.8 earthquake. Thousands people will die.
(Ohhh, Not Again?!!)
The temperature will reach 58 degrees in many countries of Africa , at the same time will lack of water.
15th June, the New York stock market will be
The temperature in Africa will reach 58 degrees, it is unbelievable number, but in May 2007, people who travel around Africa said the temperature in Greece and Turkey are already 39-40 degrees, Iraq and Arabia is about 45-46 degrees, it is possible to happen in the summer but not in may, we can imagine that in the summer of 2010, the world will become warmer and Africa will get the high temperature.
Will found the treatment for Cancer. But another new cancer will occur.
A serious disease will occur, it will be called ALS, People will die after 4 hours get ALS
Bird flu H5N1 will infect to human, 7300000 people will die till 2013.
Mr.Juseleeno’s prophesy is not only for the disease and earthquake but also for the exact name. For example the formal US president Gore famous book An Inconvenient Truth. The name of tornado which will attack Brazil, and thousands people will die, the name of infectious disease ( ALS), the name for San Francisco’s earthquake ( the Big One) and etc. events.
The area of glebe will be extended regarding the aridity and become desert, from 2015 till 2020, the trees will disappear in Amazon.
From 6th Dec. the sky will start the black cloud time, it is called weather cloudy.
Human start die because of the infectious diseases overspread.
Find the treatment for cancer except the brain cancer.
Bahamas of West Indies, from 1st Nov. till 25th the Volcano will break out and bring the earthquake too, after that will be 150 meters huge tsunami, about 80 meters tsunami will go to Caribbean, About 15 kilometer to 20 kilometer to USA , Brazil and other countries. The sea will go down 6 meters before the tsunami and the birds will move away too.
Mr.Juseleeno predicted that when the cats and dogs know the disaster is coming, they want to get away from the venue, they will have strange behaviors 24 hours before the disaster, so we can use that for the standard of judgement.
The small planet will be closer to the earth and may knock together, the exist of this small planet will influent the issue of human live.
In November, the average temperature will reach 59 degrees, many people will die, the world confusion will be bigger.
In the middle of April, huge typhoon will attach some cities of China , about one thousand people will die.
The US president Bush will be in the hospital suddenly, has serious sickness.
About the issue of small planet will be closer to the earth, the leaders of each country will gather together to discuss the countermeasure, Mr. Juseleeno already predicted in 2000, and informed the NASA of USA about the exist of the small planet. On 31st June,2002, NASA confirmed and called this small planet 2002ZNT7
May find out the science power solution, if the small planet knock together, 1/3 population of the world will die. Mr. Juseleeno predicted that the percentage for the small planet knock the earth will be 60% .
In June, the east sea of Japan will get the Tsunami, bigger then the Indonesia tsunami.
Astronomer will find new planet, it may knock the earth again, the possibility will be 80%.
In July, San Francisco will get huge earthquake, it is called the big one, San Andreas Fault will be destroyed, California will disappear, a lot of crater will start again, the tsunami will be more than 150 meters.
The world population reduced, about 80% people dead in the disaster.
Will 2008 Beijing Olympic Game be held smoothly?
As above said, in 2008, China will get 9.1 earthquake and more than millions people will die, according to Mr. Juseleeno’s prediction that the earth quake will be 13th September,2008, and Olympic will hold on 8th August-24th, In this schedule, the earthquake will happen after Olympic, but before the big earthquake, there will be a lot of small earthquake, it will make the country and people upset.
There will be a lot of small earthquake before the big one, although Juseleeno didnt predict the exact date, but if we presume the small earthquake will happen one or two month before and it may be the period of Olympic, if so it may make the host and athletes give up. When the writer read this prophesy from Juseleeno, he suddenly remember the space time traveler John Titoer’s last word, 2004 Athens Olympic Game will be last one
But, if the earthquake is in the south of China , Nanning and Hai Nan, and there are no Olympic games, the Beijing Olympic Game will close successfully. But the problem is that China government is only care about the reputation and successfully of the Olympic game, ignore the small earthquakes, and no preparation before the big one. China may control the report, closed all the news . If so there will be a big disaster as the prophesy said. In Mr. Juseleenos warning letter said if there is no preparation to protect the citizens, will get huge loss
Mr. Juseleeno also predicted that glacier period is coming.
He also has the right prophesy for the weather, one of them is, in 2003, Europe got high temperature, 29th October, 2001, the warning letter said the nature world will beat back to the world, the temperature of France, Germany and Portugal will become higher, more than ten thousand people will die, this disaster will happen between 2003 and 2004. the truth is, the temperature in the summer of 2003 had reached the highest one which they’ve never had in Europe, about 35.000 people dead, especially France and Germany , about 14,000 people dead in France and 7000 people dead in Germany .
From Mr.Juseleeno’s prophesy, the earth temperature will get higher every year, till 2012, the temperature in Africa will reach 58 degrees and the same time will have serious water problem, after the temperature will be even higher, till 2015, the average temperature of earth will reach 59 degrees, a lot of people will die, the human will get frighten all over the world. If this is the truth, the countries will against each other because of the aridity and not enough food, Mr. Jeseleeno also predicted that there will be some new wars because of the aridity, but he didnt have clear prophesy, but he felt it wont be the normal war.
Anyway, the temperature is getting higher is not like the aerography said ( the speed is very slow), actually very quick. However the warmness seems not always incessancy, after the high temperature, a big part of ice of Greenland and South Pole will be dissolved and go to the sea, the circulation of the sea will be lower and become colder, it means a new glacier time. In Juseleenos prophesy seems also said after 2027, there will be a new glacier. Details of the prophesy as below:
The volcano of America yellow park will break out, the smoke and magma will go 1,600 kilometer far, Kansas , Nebraska , Montana will all get damaged. The break out of the volcano is not only in Yellow park, but also some other place in the world. these smoke will blot out the sun, the circulation of see will stagnate and active the cold phenomena.
Eir and kol got Nobel award
As we all know, the formal president Gore dedicate on study of earth temperature, his famous book An Inconvenient Truth was made to a movie and also get the Oscar award. Actually 19 years ago, Mr. Juseleeno already predicted about this, the phophesy had been published on Moon Magazine in June, in the end of may, before the publish, the editor told the writer about this, I really got surprised for a while..
According the letter which Juseleeno sent to Gore, this prophesy letter already inform Gore that from 1993 to 2001 he wont be the vice president anymore, he will dedicate on protect the world environment activities, and he will write a book An Inconvenient Truth to become famous, the English letter Juseleeno wrote to Gore also told the books name and he will get the 2007 Nobel award, we will know this autumn, Lets looking forward for the prophesy for Mr. Gorel. We cant deny Mr. Juseleenos prophesy.
There are not much time for Human, from December 2007, the Black Cloud will extend all over the world, as Mr. Juseleeno predicted that if the human still keep the actuality, human will have terrible life from 2008 till 2012 , the black cloud will full of the sky before the disaster. If we want the disaster, and war stay away from us, the deadline for human is the end of 2007. Mr. Juseleeno expected the world consciousness will change in the end of 2007.
The situation is very serious now, if we still want to depend on others power, Mr. Juseleeno’s prophesy the black future will happen. We must understand the serious situation, individual to individual, group to group, country to county, hold you own responsibility, take action, because the deadline will come soon.
Inability and tiny ability is totally different, inability is no matter whatever we do, it wont help. But tiny ability mean more people contribute and the power will become strong. We have do start from ourselves, one people’s power is small but if we put everyones power together, It will be strong to change the future disaster.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
#9 God Says

But at the night, God started to hear things. Some voices are hurting God's ears. After God went to find out, those were grumbling voice. They are complaining and crying in their houses about how hard their life can be;
...why their neighbors are richer and they are poorer,
why he was born so ugly,
why her husband leave her,
why the kids are so naughty,
why his friends cheat him,
why he can never be rich,
why she can be so lonely,
Why and Why?
The God went to look for those voice owners, some of them looked so weak in their crying beds, some of them really as pity as they described in their sighing voice.
The next day the God leave a message on a man, it said:
'Quality of one's life depends on how he questioned it'
Later the man was known as Socrates.
Author comment: Maybe you can start the question with 'What if' instead of 'Why'
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